台灣社會研究季刊 第85期

●書名: 台灣社會研究季刊 ●出版社: 台灣社會研究雜誌社
商品編號: 9771021952005-85
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    專題──陳映真:思想與文學Ⅱ 哀悼無色青春:反娼女性主義之濫情政治與哀傷現代「性」/黃道明(85 民 100.12 頁 05-50) 本論文主要處理自90 年代中期以來造就台灣反娼女性主義霸權興起的一種主流女性濫情傷感,企圖顯示,這種依戀婚姻單一伴侶關係的情感模式,如何驅動著一種對當下非婚親密關係嚴厲管控的自由主義治理。藉由對反娼女性主義代表人物黃淑玲的論述分析,本論文將顯示黃淑玲社會學想像所構出的交易女人場景,是如何發自於丁乃非所歷史/理論化的「現代妻」主體以及強迫單一伴侶制的優勢情感位置。我特別將分析聚焦於婦女救援基金會所編著的《染色的青春:十個色情工作少女的故事》。我將這本根據黃淑玲田野研究改寫成的教育性書籍視為生命權力運作下的規訓產物,並揭示這個將「不幸少女」境遇大幅濫情化的救贖性計畫,如何在性別主流化過程中建制化的「性自主」場域裡,建構了一種女人潔淨無瑕的性。我將論證,寓於這個「性自主」的政治潛意識裡的,是無色青春作為文化理想失落的女性主義哀傷,而這樣一種情感狀態所滋養高度的保守性道德,正是台灣性的憂鬱現代性的體現。藉由對「性」福倫理的探討,我挑戰了這個親密公共領域所孕育的哀傷現代「性」,並提出一個跨越女性主義至善的邊地倫理位置,來持續攪擾那個應允我們婚後終將幸福美滿的主流敘事。 關鍵字:反娼女性主義、性自主、親密關係、情感政治、單一伴侶制、傷感、哀傷、現代性 This paper concerns itself with the analysis of a dominant form of female sentimentality that animates the hegemonic rise of anti-prostitution feminist public sphere since the mid 1990s, showing how this affective mode, attached as it is to conjugal intimacy, propels a liberal form of state governance that intensifies the regulation of sexualities in present-day Taiwan. Through examining the praxes of the sociologist Hwang Shu-ling, a prominent figure in anti-prostitution feminism, I show how her articulation of the traffic in women is structured through the positionality of what Ding Naifei has termed as ‘life-in-monogamy’. Further, through examining The Youthhood Tainted By Sex: Stories of Ten Teenage Girls Doing Sex Work(2003), a pedagogical book compiled by the Women Rescue Foundation under Hwang’s supervision, I demonstrate how this redemptive project of sex, which massively sentimentalises those ‘hapless’ girls fallen into the sex market, constructs a pristine feminine sexuality within the institutionalised field of ‘sexual autonomy’. What inheres in the political unconsciousness of ‘sexual autonomy’ is, I argue, a profound sense of melancholia that mourns the loss of sexual innocence qua feminist ideal. Finally, through exploring the ethics of sexual happiness, I contest this melancholic state and the heightened moralism it gives rise to, calling for a queer politics to sabotage the happily ever-after. Keywords:anti-prostitution feminism, sexual autonomy, intimacy, politics of affect, monogamy, sentimentality, melancholia, sexual modernity 近現代東亞思想史與「武士道」:傳統的發明與越境/藍弘岳(85 民 100.12 頁 51-88) 說到日本,相信許多人都會想到「武士道」。然而,何謂「武士道」?這是個看似簡單卻難以回答的問題。不管如何,不可否認地, 「武士道」可謂是一種被創造的傳統。而且,「武士道」會越境到日本的鄰國與其殖民地,與該地的政治思想論述發生關係,促使中國與台灣、韓國等地知識人去發現屬於他們的傳統的「武士道」。故本文之主要目的如下:(1)說明「近代以前的武士道」與「近代武士道」的差異性與連續性。(2)整理近代日本武士道被發明的思想史過程,以及各種武士道論與近代日本政治思想的關連。(3)探討近代日本發明的「武士道」如何越境到近代中國引發梁啟超等人對「武士道」的關注與其如何打造中國的「武士道」等問題。(4)研討現代台灣的前總統李登輝如何透過對新渡戶稻造的武士道論的解釋,建構屬於台灣人的武士道論、民族精神論等問題。最後,本文將在東亞的視野中,經由對以上的武士道論的討論去思考被發明且越境成功的「武士道」論述與日本、中國、台灣間之國族建構的相關性、衝突性、複雜性,並企圖批判性地理解「武士道」等近代日本的歷史敘事對近現代東亞的影響。 關鍵字:武士道、東亞、發明、越境、梁啟超、李登輝 What is ‘bushido’? This is a hard question to answer. We could say it is an “invented tradition” of modern Japanese history, which crossed the border to China and Taiwan etc, inspiring intellectuals to forge their own ‘bushido’ traditions. In this paper, I discussed three following questions. First, I tried to clarify the events and conditions that led to the creation of ‘bushido’ in modern Japan and examine some major works of bushido in the context of modern Japanese political thought. Second, I analyzed how Liang Qi-chao related ‘bushido’ to Chinese history to invent a Chinese version of ‘bushido’. Third, I discussed how the former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui reconstructed the ‘bushido’ of Taiwan by reinterpreting Bushido The Soul of Japan, An Exposition of Japan Thought by Nitobe Inazo. In doing so, this paper explained the complexities and contradictions in the creation of ‘bushido’ in Japan and its border transgressions into China and Taiwan in order to shed a new light on the complexity of East Asian history. Keywords:bushido, East Asia, invention, transgression, Liang Qi-chao, Lee Teng-hui 管理或剝削?家庭外籍看護工雇主的生存之道/陳正芬(85 民 100.12 頁 89-155) 本文檢視「家庭外籍看護工」聘僱政策與相關規範,並探討雇主在此政策下聘僱與管理外籍看護工的犯罪行為,並分析為何被視為邊陲與補充勞動力的外籍看護工為何會逐步成為民眾選擇長期照顧服務的唯一選項。本研究發現,家庭外籍看護工的聘僱與管理在台灣社會已建構為一無被害人的犯罪型態,被害人並非不存在,而是雇主透過合理化的方式策略否認被害人的存在,被害人也被政策法規、雇主及仲介公司制約下被迫放棄對外求援或申訴的機會。而原本被賦予「外人照顧」污名的外籍看護工,則在擔任照顧者的成年子女,以及被照顧的失能老人強烈排除需遠離家庭場域與親人的機構式服務的情感驅使,以及受限於居家服務的時段與被排除於服務對象之外的困境之下,致使外籍看護工成為照顧者與被照顧者雙方在照顧責任與需求滿足之間取得平衡的唯一選項,脫胎換骨成為符合我國孝道傳統的在地老化服務模式。若欲修正政策規劃與執行的高度落差,唯有透過本國籍照顧服務員與外籍看護工的銜接與配合,以及需求評估與照顧計畫的連結,建構民眾認識各項長期服務的社會學習管道;也唯有當外籍看護工違法聘僱與違法運用的事實被社會大眾皆確認是壓迫行為,且將外籍看護工的聘僱與管理確實整併進入長期照顧體系,讓外籍看護工的勞動條件在長期照顧服務監督機制的制衡下獲得保障,才有可能讓雇主與外籍看護工之間的關係,不再是支配與剝削的衝突對象,而可能透過其他服務模式的引進,有機會發展為互賴與互信的結盟關係,亦讓被照顧者得以透過制度獲致照顧品質的保障。 關鍵字:家庭外籍看護工、長期照顧、無被害人犯罪 This paper examines the policies and regulations for employing and managing foreign domestic care workers, the illegal means for hiring and abuse of foreign care workers, and the belief that hiring foreigners for long-term domestic care is the only option. This purpose of this study is to demonstrate how the victimless crime concept applies to this sector of long-term care in Taiwan. Society generally disregards the policies set for this industry and views the employment of foreign care workers as a victimless crime, when in actuality both the employers themselves and the foreign employees are harmed in the process. Another problem stemming from this false view is the lack of enforcement of the laws that regulate the hiring, management and treatment of foreign care workers. Important to understanding the situation involves looking at how the employment of foreign domestic care workers increased. In the past, the general attitude of Taiwanese families was in favor of family members being responsible for long-term care. In addition, the idea of hiring a foreigner for providing domestic care was unacceptable to most. However, due to the unavailability and inaccessibility of home care services, the fear of using institutional care services, and the effect that social learning has had on making known the benefits of hiring foreign care workers, what was the stigma of “stranger care” has now become a privilege. Addressing this problem involves shortening the gap between policy design and implementation. This includes removing the “boundary” that exists between Taiwanese- and foreigner-provided domestic long-term care by incorporating the supervision of foreign care workers into the quality control mechanism present in the long-term care system, which currently oversees only Taiwanese care workers. Other components include increasing awareness and promoting recognition of what constitutes abuse and illegal treatment of domestic care workers, as well as making better known publicly the variety of home care services available. Employing this framework benefits the care recipient by providing higher-quality care, while guaranteeing better working conditions for and humane treatment of foreign domestic care workers. Keywords:foreign care workers, long-term care, crimes without victims 追尋主體性的工程設計:威權政治轉型下的台灣高鐵土木設計/張國暉(85民100.12 頁 157-200) 1990年代初期,台灣政府的政治人物及工程師們在面對大型工程計畫的同時,分別都有政治性的期待。本文以高鐵工程設計為例,除說明政治人物企圖以大型工程計畫來回應國內人民及走向國際社會之外,更論證台灣官方工程師們如何在受先進國家技術支配的傳統下, 使他們能實現在大型工程計畫當中獲得主導權的政治性期待。不只是台灣的政府及公民在國家轉型的過程中重新進行政治定位,工程師們對其本身的專業領域也加速進行主體性的轉變,而在「忠誠」、「安全」、「簡便」及「技術至上」等的幾個工程價值當中,選擇把「開放性」排在較優先的位置。因此當政府工程師在進行高鐵工程設計時,企圖透過優先進行土木結構的設計,藉此讓日本、法國及德國的核心機電系統都能有相同機會前來競逐,更期望藉此來轉型台灣與國外工程師之間的支配關係。 關鍵字:工程研究、主體性、科技研究、高鐵、國家轉型 While most of the Taiwanese people and their government confronted a serious social and political transformation from authoritative to democratic politics in the early 1990s, some of their official engineers were also thinking of how to respond to and participate in it in terms of their professional identity. This essay investigates the different engineering policies and knowledge the Taiwanese official engineers practiced before and after the state transformation. By taking the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) project as an example, this essay argues why the official engineers changed their ethical priorities among several different engineering values and explores what strategies they adopted during the transformation. Among loyalty, safety, simplicity and technical perfection etc., the Taiwanese official engineers chose to place inclusiveness as their highest priority value in order to earn themselves equal and independent control from the engineers of advanced countries while conducting technology transfers. They devoted most of their efforts on the THSR civil engineering design, by which all potential high speed rail technology exporters could be included in the THSR project with an equal opportunity. The Taiwanese official engineers thus could prevent the project from technological domination by countries such as Japan, France and Germany. Keywords: engineering studies, subjectivity, science and technology studies, high speed rail, state transformation 為何職業婦女決定離職?結構限制下的母職認同與實踐/唐文慧(85 民 100.12 頁201-265) 許多研究者認為,台灣的兒童照顧制度公共化程度低,勞動市場對母親不友善,而導致許多婦女因親自育兒的壓力,而決定離開職場。然而,過去研究多從結構面,較少從母親個人的角度出發,探討她們面對衝突時,為何決定離職,以及離職後的生活與照顧安排。本研究透過訪談十五位中產階級母親,採建制民族誌視角,檢視這群母親面臨衝突時,在結構限制下的認同和行動的選擇。研究發現她們強調離職是「自願的選擇」,但作者分析其面臨的是結構限制下的「選擇差距」。離職後她們會展現自主性並操演認同,採「密集母職」扮演社會所期待的「好媽媽」角色。另外,她們以兼職工作或參與志工的方式,來逃避社會對「傳統家庭主婦」的負面標籤,以建立自我的正向認同。值得注意的是,從制度的層面來看,其母職認同與離職的選擇, 卻間接地鞏固了台灣性別化與市場化的兒童照顧體制,加深兒童照顧是個人與家庭責任的社會氛圍。對於推動照顧與工作共容的社會運動與政策制訂者來說,這群離職母親的真實聲音,值得被慎重地考量。 關鍵字:工作與照顧衝突、建制民族誌、選擇差距、照顧者認同、母職實踐 Most of the studies in the past had stressed the disadvantages of mothers in labor market when encountering work-care conflict from a structural point of view. Yet, this research, adopting narrative method and institutional ethnography perspective, explores and analyzes the identity construction and action of middle-class mothers under the same situation from a different viewpoint. Through interviews with 15 stay-at-home mothers, it is found that they identified themselves’ choice to quit is a voluntary one, while we argued that it is a choice gap under structural constrains. They would practice intensive mothering in order to preserve the social image of a good mother. Meanwhile, to avoid social stigma as a traditional housewife, they would also work part-time or as a volunteer which helps establish positive self-identification. Yet, on the other hand, it is worth noting that this action has consolidated the traditional gender roles as well as encourages low state intervention on child care. This paper emphasized the group of middle-class mothers’ real voices should be taken into account seriously by the public child care policy makers and activists in Taiwan. Keywords:work-care conflict, institutional ethnography, choice gap, carers’ identities, mothering practices 沈默中的表達,順服中的抗拒:女性性騷擾因應論述的自我培力/羅燦煐(85 民100.12 頁267-316) 國內外文獻顯示,性騷擾雖是許多女性的共通經驗,但受擾女性多選擇消極逃避之因應方式。本研究綜觀國內性騷擾因應相關研究,發現多數研究倚賴量化研究法,缺乏以權力女性主義分析觀點,探討受擾女性因應策略的意向與動機。本研究訪談九位女性受訪者對性騷擾的因應意圖及意義建構,發現:1.性騷擾受害女性未採取符合陽剛界定的對抗方式,並非等同女性默許或同意這些行為;2.受擾女性作為「有見識的行動者」,能夠評估社會場域之結構限制,並做出既可保全自我又可衝撞父權壓迫之因應抉擇;3.受擾女性有意識地選擇陰柔因應策略,應被視為「積極性柔弱」;4.受擾女性在考慮是否及如何公開對抗或提出申訴時,經常採取權力轉換策略,以提升自己的行動資源;5.受擾女性透過性騷擾因應論述及意義建構,得以發展自我培力,包括:透過對性騷擾事件之因應及申訴歷程,展現出對女性所處社會政治環境的批判性認知,就近利用相關資源的知能及積極的生命態度,及開始相信自己具有掌控自己生命的知能。綜上所述,本研究認為,女性的性騷擾因應策略於沈默中具有表達,順服中隱含抗拒,因此,即使性騷擾受害女性選擇被動因應或沈默以對,仍應被視為主體性的展現。 關鍵字:性騷擾因應、積極性柔弱、有見識的行動者、權力轉換策略、女性培力 The literature has suggested that, women survivor of sexual harassment tend to adopt passive coping strategies, such as ignoring or avoiding the harassers, in order to survive the oppressive patriarchal system. Nevertheless, mainstream feminists maintain that women’s passive copings tend to sustain and re-enforce the oppressive system from which they try to escape. Power feminists present an alternative perspective on defining resistance by and empowerment for women. Based on conceptualizing sexual harassment as discursive practice, they suggest that sexual harassment studies examine the dialectics of silence and expression, and oppression and resistance in women’s discursive construction of coping strategies. The present study interviewed 9 women for their construction of their own coping strategies to sexual harassment and sexual assault. In adopting power feminist perspectives to analyze the discursive data, this study found a dialectical relationship between oppression and resistance and a possible transcendence of human agency over social structure. For example, women survivors of sexual harassment, as knowledgeable agents, were able to formulate self preservation strategies based on their social positions and personal resources in responding to sexual harassment incidents. This study considers the coping of affirmative weakness indicative of women’sagency instead of total subordination to patriarchy. Furthermore, this study found that some women were able to acquire critical understanding of the patriarchal structure and to affirm their life experience through their coping discourse to sexual harassment. Thus, the study findings support power feminist perspective that women’s discursive construction of their coping strategies to sexual harassment indicate possible subversion to and transcendence over the oppressive patriarchy in Taiwan. Keywords:Resistance in Oppression, Expression in Silence: The Discursive Empowerment in Taiwan Women’s Coping with Sexual Harassment 問題與討論 人禍天災的再認識與社群實力的再生成/丘延亮(85民 100.12頁 317-352) 「台北寄居蟹─2010居無定所攝影展」影像紀要/戴瑜慧(85民 100.12頁 353-376) 專題導言:長期照顧服務法面面觀/王增勇 (85民 100.12頁 377-379) 雙軌分立的長期照顧體系:照顧服務員國籍與品質的抉擇叉路/陳正芬 (85民100.12頁 381-386) 誰配合誰?部落生活觀點與長期照護服務法草案/許俊才、林東龍 (85民 100.12頁 387-395) 家庭照顧者做為一種改革長期照顧的社會運動/王增勇 (85民 100.12頁 397-414) 左異聲響 「網路與社運:趨勢、機會與課題」專題前言/魏玓(85 民 100.12 頁 415-421) 學術研究與公民社會的「另類」互動:公民行動影音紀錄資料庫的實踐經驗/管中祥(85民 100.12 頁 423-436) 從網路到街頭:反國光石化的動員經驗、成效與反省/陳平軒 (85 民 100.12 頁 437-450) 台灣社會媒體與網路動員(2009-2011)/鄭國威 (85 民 100.12 頁 451-482)